Why do I need a website?
Unlike a social media page or a profile on book retailers, a website is an online space that you own. It’s a powerful marketing tool at every stage of an author’s career. If you’re pitching your book to agents, a website establishes your professionalism and commitment to your writing. If you’re published, a website is a central hub for readers to discover your books and learn more about you. Most importantly, a website can help you grow your relationship with readers and collect email addresses from your biggest fans, which gives you direct access to your audience. Learn more about why authors need websites.
Do I need to own a domain name already to set up a website?
No — if you don't own a domain name yet, you can register for one through your website dashboard when you’re ready to make your website live. We’re offering a free custom domain for your first year. Custom domains registered through BookBub will be charged an annual renewal fee after the first year at an industry-standard rate of $15 per year.
Can I use a domain I already own?
Yes! If you already own a domain name, we'll work with you to get your existing domain connected to your website at no additional cost.
How much does it cost?
You can try it out for free for 30 days. After that, it will cost $9.99 per month (billed monthly) to host a website and access all editing and design features.
What security features do you offer?
We’ve custom-built the software powering Author Websites to be secure, and we automatically handle all security and software updates and upgrades for you. All Author Websites use TSL (SSL) to protect data transfer, and the forms on your website use reCAPTCHA and CSRF protection.
Do I need a BookBub Author Profile to use Author Websites?
No, you don’t need to claim an Author Profile on Bookbub.com in order to use Author Websites. Author Websites and Author Profiles are both excellent tools for building your author platform, but you don’t need to use one to use the other. If you have yet to publish your first book, Author Websites may be a better fit for you at this time. Learn more about BookBub Author Profiles.